I, Pave

Solo show: Muting: One Acre Pain
Red Gate Gallery, Vancouver, Canada (6 piece part installation), Performance by Anchi Lin and Alanna Ho, Nov 2015

Nuit Blanche: Memory LaneIndependent Project, Shoe Museum, Toronto, Canada (18 piece full public art installation), Oct 2015

  • Single-channel HD Video, sound, colour, duration variable, River rocks, concrete, x18 step full installation, 2015

This piece is now a permanent feature in a British Columbia backyard.
受到極簡主義雕塑和台灣社區公園健康步道的啟發,人們赤腳行走在人造岩石人行道上,「鋪」作品試圖重現類似經驗,赤腳行走在石頭上引起的痛苦令人難忘,因為同時它也令人愉悅和舒服。創作者對於觀察參與者在作品上面行走所產生的疼痛,和因疼痛所引起異常的身體反應感到有興趣。在加拿大旅居期間,她花了十年的時間在卑詩省徒步旅行,收集了許多河石,她利用這些材料創作「鋪」為互動裝置,作品創作其中一項為行為表演,她與長期的行為表演夥伴Alanna Ho進行持續行為互動,這時兩方都能感受到以上描述過的的痛苦。該作品在多倫多的白畫之夜展出期間,觀看者可以親自赤腳體驗「鋪」 ,更直接地連接身體與感官,重新創建河水沖過時的水下體驗。該作品可以因應不同空間而改變,因此不需在特定場合進行裝置。
Lin was inspired by minimalist sculptures, and Taiwanese community parks where people walk rocky pavements barefoot, connecting to their environment and getting a massage. The work I, Pave seeks to recreate this experience. Walking barefoot caused pain; the pain was memorable because it was also pleasurable. Therefore it serves as a reminder that the body is something you inhabit. Lin is interested in observing the participants’ movements and how unexpected pain induces unusual bodily reactions. Since her arrival in Canada, Lin had gathered a collection of river rocks from her time spent hiking around British Columbia over a decade long period. She utilized these to create this interactive public art installation which was created with logevity and sustainability in mind. Whereby the 18 seperate steps can be used in a variety of configurations outdoors. During Nuit Blance in Toronto, thousands of visitors experienced walking on I, Pave barefoot. They could connect to their individual bodily sensations and surrounds, enhanced by visual and sound videoscapes that recreated the underwater experience river rocks feel when the stream rushes past. The art is spatially adaptable and therefore not site specific being able to be configured in various patterns. Lin describes feeling similar sensations of pleasurable pain from both the creation of the piece and when she undertook a durational performance with her long-time performance partner Alanna Ho when a smaller configuration was featured in Lin’s first solo exhibition in Vancouver, Canada.

Photography by Julia Lin Kingham