Time is Flowing Away
Artwork concept and creation: Anchi Lin [Ciwas Tahos], Studio assistant: Julia Lin Kingham, Apr - Jun 2019
- Collected expired calendar papers
這項創作是對於駐村研究期間對於語言隨著時間而消失的感覺作為啟發。從當地居民收集來的過期日曆作為「過期賣日曆 - Part 1」,部分日曆被製作到「過期賣日曆 - Part 2」,也就是試圖捕捉時間消失瞬間,通過把紙搗碎的過程顯示時間流失的不同階段,有如語言和時間逐漸消失的感覺。
This work conveys the feeling towards the disappearance of language as time goes by during my research in the residency. I used the expired calendars that I gathered from the local residents, portion of the calendars went to the 'Expired Calendars for Sale - Part 1', the extra expired calendars were made into this project which attempts to capture moments of time and language fading away by gradually blending the calendars into small pieces and make each stage into a paper