A number of stereotypes and
problematic phrases subtly exist everywhere beyond any region or country.
Phrases manifesting stereotypes at indigenous queer gender non-conforming
bodies are generated as if
forming a set of colonial thinking algorithms to serve the homogeneous –
non-marginalized people. This colonial viewing system is
nuanced, microaggressions pervade society slipping off tongues unabated,
perpetuating the colonial perspective and stamping out ‘the other.’ Unconscious
bias disseminates a romanticized idea: their difference, their body, their
cultural perspective. Indigenous bodies operating
within this system, become a touristed body or romanticized body. History and
knowledge are narrated by marks, society is structured by engraving and
stamping. These actions stamp out non-materialized oral-based indigenous
knowledge and histories. Unwanted Exchange solo
exhibition by Anchi Lin [Ciwas Tahos] contemplates
the relationship between the ‘engraving & stamping’ culture and the marginalized body – a continuation of
concepts explored in previous performances and the Raw <-> Ripened
<-> Happiness piece.