Unwanted Exchange Series
- Double-channel HD Video, colour, sound, colour, sound, duration max 17 min 41 secs, x6 wooden stamps (sizes variable), Red ink pad, Framed embossed FSC recycled paper (sizes variable), Performance marked FSC recycled paper (sizes variable), Lasercut recycled wooden panels (dimensions variable), 2019
Unwanted Exchange series contemplates the relationship between cultural practices of 'engraving and stamping' and the marginalized body – a continuation of concepts explored in Raw <-> Ripened <-> Happiness piece. These series of performance pieces done across performance festivals and created for Ciwas's solo show Unwanted Exchange utilise performance, moving image, embossed printmaking, kinetic installation and live performance art to engage with complex issues. History and knowledge are recounted by marks. Stereotypes and problematic phrases subtly cross borders. Microaggressions permeate society slipping off tongues unabated, perpetuating the colonial perspective and stamping out 'the other.' Unwanted Exchange series addresses these thoughts through action, the machine laser cuts the wood, the ink marks the skin... painful words appear across the limbs to then be washed away but never forgotten.
Photos by Julia Lin Kingham, 2021
Live performance video stills, 2019